Site dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba,
WingMakers, Lyricus, Agni Yoga, Aryans

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Site for the True Spirituality


Discourses - Introduction


The Lyricus discourses are a significant element of the instructional methods used by teachers from the Lyricus Teaching Order. These discourses are presented in the time-honored format of dialogues between a teacher and student.

The discourses provide insight into the oral teaching methods of the Lyricus Teaching Order that is comprised mostly of members from the Central Race. The Lyricus Discourses can be read in any order, as each is unique and independent of the other. They are presented here in the order they were translated.

While the content varies between the discourses, their collective purpose is to provide a practical structure of the baseline, philosophical approach of Lyricus independent of the planetary consciousness and its contemporary belief systems. The discourses are a primer – a foundational underpinning for the broader energetics of the Lyricus teachings.

There are Adobe Acrobat .PDF file versions of the Lyricus Discourses available for free in the download section of the website. These versions are very suitable for printing if that is your desire, and they are available in other languages as well.

It is recommended to read the discourses aloud and to repeat the readings every month or so for a period of one year. The discourses provide grounding in the elegant neutrality of the consciousness of the sovereign integral.


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